• ZORB | Rotorua | ZORB TOWGO


How the ZORB team is surviving the lockdown

New Zealand is currently at Level 4 of our Covid-19 alert system. This means that everyone must stay home for the next four weeks, except for those providing essential services. As much as we think ZORB rides are an essential service they are unfortunately not and the whole ZORB team are in lockdown at home for the next four weeks. In what feels like the longest game of go home stay home ever, it can be hard to keep team morale up and make sure everyone is engaged and happy. So, we have come up with a few fun ways to virtually keep the team connected and help to survive the lockdown. Because let’s be honest, everyone is on their phone scrolling through the gram or binge-watching Netflix anyway!


Each morning Steph, our Operations Manager has been posting in the private crew page asking the team to share their word of the day and an explanation of why they chose that particular word. Today we had to share our word of the day in Maori with a translation of what it means for everyone else! The day before that we had to share our word of the day and our favourite shows to binge watch.


The team were given the same bird template and told draw a bird and let those creative juices flow! Who would have known we had so many artists in our midst! Especially when drawing on your phone isn’t easy at all! Here is a snapshot of our birds for your viewing pleasure.


Another way to keep the team connected and help to survive lockdown, is to continue on with our weekly Wednesday team meetings. This gives the Operations and Marketing teams the opportunity to share the projects they are working on behind the scenes with the full team.

Now there are a couple of advantages of having virtual staff meetings. One is a later start time of 10:00am so plenty of time for a sleep in and the other is being able to connect in your PJs! Also getting the whole team together is great for team morale! ZORB team meeting


Not many people know this but before they became masters in ball rolling, Andrew and David Akers had a stint at developing board games! You can read more about it here. As a result, they have earned the title Quiz Masters and have been working hard in the background crafting a weekly quiz for the team via Kahoot as we speak!


Let’s not forget about our furry little friends! The new co-workers of ZORB who now have to deal with us being home all day and sitting on their favourite chairs! Most of the ZORB team have cats or dogs but did you know our front office superstar Shanyse has a pet pig! Lulu is 3 years old and according to Shanyse’s Mum was easier to house train than the dogs!

ZORB pets ZORB pets
April 2, 2020


Small acts make a big difference in our community. Did you know that we have picked up rubbish every day along SH5 for the last 14 years as part of our opening procedures? Every little bit counts and as you can see we take it very seriously. We also love a mana wave so if you see us cleaning up the road outside ZORB Rotorua in the morning, make sure you beep out!
#environmental #tiaki #community #rotorua #newzealand #zorb #zorbrotorua
What's the best thing to do on a rainy day? ZORB of course 💥💦
#rotoruanz #newzealand #nzmustdo #zorbrotorua #thingstodo #explorenz #newzealandguide
We recently did some leadership training with @yellowumbrellanz and what we found is there's no one combination of strengths that makes a great leader, it's how you use them. What are your top 5 strengths?
#chooseyourcharacter #newzealand #nzmustdo #rotoruanz #zorbrotorua
Due to an injury and a technicality we have the intense rematch / finals between Selwyn Sizzler and Ginger Ninja… with our ZORBLYMPICS Gold medalist for 2024 going to the one, the only, the always lonely… GINGER NINJA 🥷🏽 thank you for watching this years ZORBLYMPICS, we’ll see you next year 🫡
The 2nd heat of 2024’s ZORBLYMPICS! A close one despite Hemana Hustler using a cheeky (possibly against the rules?) technique 👀 … The first down the hill was… Coconut Thunder ⛈️ but did he thunder to hard? 🫣
The opening race of ZORBLYMPICS 2024 didn’t go how Ginger Ninja thought it would… despite the false start 👀 … Our first winner is SELWYN SIZZLER 🌭
Well well well, who do we have here? Is that the Ginga Ninja 🥷 coming back to detend his title and show the others who the real OG is? The 4th and final athlete in the ZORBlympics checking in. So who is your money on?
ZORBlympics athlete #3, coming in hot...once he figured out what a bio was and remembered what his name was. Lucky we came up with a better name for him, introducing the Selwyn Sizzler. Do you think he talks a big game?
The second athlete who is joining us for this year's ZORBlympics.. 🥁drum roll🥁... none other than the Hemana Hustler. Who has their money on the big dawg himself?

