• Kaitiakitanga and Our Commitment

    Kaitiakitanga and Our Commitment

Through our belief in Kaitiakitanga (the Māori concept of guardianship, for the sky, the sea, and the land) we are responsible for ensuring our site and our environment is looked after and treated with respect for future generations to enjoy. We have a strong commitment to ensuring that we practice a sustainable business platform that considers the environmental, social and financial impacts in all parts of our business.

Native tree planting, pest management, free school group talks, SH5 rubbish warriors and food bank fundraisers are all part of what is integrated into our day to day business. ZORB is also a member of the Rotorua Sustainable Tourism Charter.

As a tourism operator and a responsible member of the NZ tourism industry – ZORB has made a commitment to the New Zealand Tourism Sustainability programme. This initiative aims to see every New Zealand tourism business committed to sustainability by 2025. Through this commitment we strive to offer all of customers a well-managed, welcoming, innovative and sustainable business that we are proud of and ultimately work towards a  New Zealand where our economy, people and environment are better off because tourism exists.  Find out more here: www.sustainabletourism.nz

Some of the things we are actively doing at ZORB to support our commitment:

  • All ZORB ball parts are reused where possible, the rest gets recycled into children’s playground safety mats.
  • Roadside Rubbish Warriors – Our Crew do daily rubbish collection along SH5 and the ZORB road frontage to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy.
  • Through Ngati Whakaue support, we have planted over 2,500 native NZ trees & plants on the hillside of our site.
  • Responsible purchasing, we think about where our products come from and the packaging associated – wherever possible we support locally owned companies.
  • Our roll out of electric vehicles has commenced (we have three) and will continue , we also offer free of charge e-charging stations onsite for our visitors to utilise
  • 91 Solar panels were installed in 2019 and during summer enough electricity is generated to give back to the grid. This investment means that ZORB is  90% self sufficient.
  • TOWGO is a world first innovation we designed and built to increase productivity and capacity but also to minimise our impact and fuel use age.
  • Plastic free – we are working towards the site being free of unnecessary plastic for example: single use water bottles, plastic bags and packaging.
  • Every year we sponsor and support many great fundraising efforts – we have a particular focus on our Rotorua community and family based causes. Our Locals Day supports the Rotorua Salvation Army Christmas appeal.  And we’ve had a number of our team dance with Hospice at the annual fundraising event Dancing with the Stars.
  • Over a year approximately $50,000 worth of ZORB rides are donated to support fundraising and community contributions.
  • Staff wellness & exceptional customer service: We offer all staff development opportunities through Manaaki Rotorua, as well as offering opportunities for personal development through well being activities, social events, counseling and even ZORB Boot camp – a healthy crew is a happy crew!
  • Career Pathway support – through educational workshops, attendance at the Rotorua Careers Expo, connections with High School Career Pathways we aim to demonstrate that tourism as a prosperous and rewarding career option. We also aim to employ locals to ensure that the wealth is redistributed back into the community and to provide employment opportunities to rangitahi (youth) while studying, through weekend and school holidays.
  • All full time permanent staff (which is the majority of our team) earn the living wage.
  • Waste minimisation is a given and starts with procurement through to the utilisation of unused ZORB materials, which are then made into bags for sale on site.

Native trees planted in 2017

7 years of growth and we have beautiful trees and more native bird life

91 Solar Panels installed in 2019

All of our delicious barista made coffee is now lovingly served with A2 milk that comes in a glass swappa bottle from Volcanic Creamery, a locally owned family farm that is located only 12km from our site.

Alongside locally sourced milk we’re continuing to support local with locally roasted coffee beans from the team at Boasters Coffee, a family operated company with a passion for providing freshly roasted coffee to the Bay of Plenty region.

As part of our overall commitment to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels the ZORB Tesla was the first of 3 electric vehicles that we own. All are recharged on site at ZORB Rotorua – with our own freshly squeezed solar generated power.





ZORB | Rotorua | TIAKI New Zealand

Our Tiaki Promise

New Zealand is precious, and everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it. The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for  future generations. By supporting the Tiaki Promise, we are making our commitment to New Zealand by acting as a guardians, protecting and preserving our home. Learn about how you can participate in the Tiaki Promise here:  www.tiakinewzealand.com

ZORB | Rotorua | Manaaki Rotorua

Manaaki Rotorua

All our crew members are encouraged and supported to complete the Manaaki Rotorua programme. These online modules have been specifically created and designed to support the Rotorua Tourism industry and talk about the importance of Manaakitanga and our Tourism legacy through offering exceptional customer experiences, learning common Māori phrases, pronunciation tips and learning local Te Arawa history. Learn more about Manaaki Rotorua here

ZORB | Rotorua | Ngati Whakaue Tribal Lands Logo

Ngati Whakaue Tribal Farmlands

We have a strong relationship with local iwi that demonstrates the relationship between the commercial world of tourism and the landowners (Ngati Whakaue). If ZORB is successful, then a higher percentage of our revenue is paid to Ngati Whakaue, in turn this is invested into the future of the tribe, to provide a sustainable income source for the iwi. We also support Ngati Whakaue’s future leaders programme, where the youth learn about the different ways in which the iwi uses their land. We are privileged to share this relationship with our local iwi.


ZORB | Rotorua | ZORB

    TripAdvisor Review – Lauren


🎁 ZORB Mystery Bags & Gift Vouchers
Water you waiting for? 💦 Come and experience this epic NZ must do and slip and slide your way down the hill in our inflatable balls. 

#zorbrotorua #rotoruanz #newzealand #rotorua #nzmustdo #zorb #thingstodo #newzealandguide #purenz
Feeling a lot like summer today, those Sidewinder corners looking good ☀️

#zorbrotorua #nzmustdo #newzealand #thingstodonz #purenz #rotoruanz
Who needs sunshine these school holidays when you can roll in the rain? ☔️🌈🌧️ 
#schoolholidayfun #rainorshine #zorbrotorua #nzmustdo #newzealand
Some more people who keep the balls rolling down the hill at ZORB Rotorua. Every one of them are excited to see you all these NZ school holidays! 🔥

#rotoruanz #zorbrotorua #newzealand #rotorua #nzmustdo #zorb #thingstodo #newzealandguide #mustdorotorua #purenz #trend
ZORB Rotorua is a water activity which means you will get wet so you will need some clothing to get wet in 💦

Luckily for you, if you don’t see our website or our posts letting you know it is a wet ride or you’ve forgotten your swimwear - we provide hire gear! A shirt, shorts and a towel can be hired out as individual items or as packages 👕🩳

Throwing clothes at our Operations Manager was for video content purposes. Throwing clothes at him in real life will not result in him magically changing into your clothes… but feel free to try 👀


#rotorua #nz #rotoruanz #zorb #zorbrotorua #nzmustdo #thingstodo #newzealandguide #mustdorotorua
The Choppings - England 

“The kids said this is the best thing they’ve done in New Zealand, even better than swimming with the dolphins!”
(Sorry dolphins 🐬) 

Kids love ZORB, but they love it more when their parents get in and have a go! 

Bring the family in for a day out at Zorb Rotorua these school holidays ✨


#rotorua #rotoruanz #newzealand #mustdonz #mustdorotorua #zorb #zorbrotorua

